Okay, so …

… in answer to Nourishing Words, we wuv our wovel.  Weawwy!

Yesterday’s storm gave us an opportunity to test it out nicely, and it outperformed the shovel decisively (except in really small areas, where the shovel was the obvious implement of choice).

For clearing paths, cleaning the walkway to the house, or cleaning up the edges of the driveway (shown here in the strong and sure hands of Ms. JBD) it was much faster and easier to use than the shovel.

We don’t have a snow blower, so we couldn’t make a comparison there … but it’s hard to imagine that it’d have been a lot faster.  And the noise and fumes would be a huge down-side.

The other lesson that JordanCornblog learned yesterday was NOT TO GO OUT IN THE SNOW IN BIRKENSTOCKS!

I wandered out (after woveling) to take a picture of one of the woveled walkways … and promptly landed on my keister (thanks for the spelling consult, Beeg).  Happily, no one saw … and the only damage was maybe a bruise or two … and a snow-covered back.

This photo was taken just seconds before I wnet down.

Guess my bone density is okay, eh?  😉

Other news?  We watched UConn slaughter Duke last night (after Duke gave ’em a good battle in the first half).  They are just scary good.

Today’s the anniversary of Ann Murphy Cornog’s death … 1/19/75 – so 35 years.  That’s a long time – and like yesterday.

RIP, Mom … RIP.

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